I a modeling an OLAP cube using Modrian Workbench Schema and using Jaspersoft to present it. The cube is built upon a fact table with FKs to dimension tables. Currently my fact table has nullable foreign keys to the dimensions, which I personally find interesting (and, as far as I know, it is just s styling decision whether to use nullable or not nullable FKs ( https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/3512/fact-table-foreign-keys-null ).
The problem is that when selecting ALL States (State is a dimension in my design), I get only the records that have a state, not the records without states (in which the state id is null).
Is Mondrian capable of getting the rows that have not state id information? How can I define that?
I think you'll have to go with non-nullable FKs and a none / n/a / unknown etc. member if you want the ALL member to refer to all facts.
If you later want to write queries that only consider rows with real dimension values, you can exclude the none member again.