I want to get the day, month and year components of NSDate
in integer form i.e. if the date is 1/2/1988 then I should get 1, 2 and 1988 separately as an integer. How can I do this in iOS? I found the similar question but the method descriptionWithCalendarFormat
: gives a warning and seems to be deprecated by now.
let components = NSCalendar.currentCalendar().components([.Day, .Month, .Year], fromDate: self)
let day = components.day
let month = components.month
let year = components.year
For convenience you can put this in an NSDate
extension and make it return a tuple:
extension NSDate: Comparable {
var dayMonthYear: (Int, Int, Int) {
let components = NSCalendar.currentCalendar().components([.Day, .Month, .Year], fromDate: self)
return (components.day, components.month, components.year)
Now you have to write only:
let (day, month, year) = date.dayMonthYear
If you wanted to e.g. get only the the year you can write:
let (_, _, year) = date.dayMonthYear