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Yii - linking to static page of a given model id

Each model id has a corresponding static page e.g id = 1 of my table has a static page in my views as 1.php. So when i click the link button (implemented in ClistView) it respective static page should be displayed.
How can i implement this functionality?

        echo CHtml::link('View Detail', array('$data->id.php'),

          // i want 1.php to be displayed for $data->id =1 and 2.php for $data->id= 2

            array('id'=>'mylink','class'=>'btnPrint btn btn-danger',


  • <?php
    echo CHtml::link(
        'View Detail',
        $this->createUrl('site/static', array('id' => $data->id)),
            'id' => 'mylink',
            'class' => 'btnPrint btn btn-danger',
            'target' => '_blank',

    And in your controller you can create an action as follows:

    public function actionStatic($id)