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class `Csv` in RailsCst #396

Here is a link to the repo on github

So in this RailsCast, Ryan uses a class named Csv (line 28 in store-after/app/models/product.rb). He is also using the roo gem. However, Csv is not a class in the API nor is it found anywhere in the rdoc for the roo gem.

So where did it come from? I'm trying to re-create his code in Ruby 4.1 with no luck, because I don't understand where this class came from.

I have looked through his previous railscast, #362, and the github repo for that episode can be found here. However he doesn't use any class other than the CSV class of the language proper.

Where does this clas come from? Is it some sort of typo that was auto corrected by Rubymine?


  • You can see in the ChangeLog that Roo::Csv was renamed to Roo::CSV in 1.12.0.