Recently I’ve release my Windows 10 UWP application in store . Last week I released a new update in store ,after a week I receive lots of mail from users about a bug in my app.(Pages that want to connect to database can't open and they crash)
Funny part is that when I deploy and run it by visual studio or Powershell (appx-package command) everything works fine, so I can't find a thing.(Even in RemoteMachine and Emulator)
So I was checking my dashboard in dev center and find some "failed log" there.
How can I use these logs to find my problem?
I'm really stuck and don't know what to do!!
In Properties
of the Project there is a file named Default.rd.xml
that contains an element like <Assembly Name="*Application" ...
So by mistake the attribute it was changed to name="*Application"
(Don't know what changed that and VisualStudio didn't notice that.)