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Ruby both on front end and back end

I am trying to figure out whether I can build a web application completely on Ruby stack.

I am looking for following architecture:

Frontend <--- Websockets with Pub/Sub ---> Backend

On top of that, I really like Rails approach with "convention over configuration". As result, I am looking for some "opinionated" framework which will handle this scenario.

I know that it's easier to achieve with Javascript stack. As example using Sails.js.

However, it's experiment. So, I am not looking for the most efficient solution.

Has anybody build anything like that? What would be a reasonable set of libraries/frameworks to build something like it?


  • Since you said it's an experiment, I would recommend you to try out Volt. It uses Opal, which transcribes Ruby to JS and has reactive synchronization which Meteor.js is famous for. Also there are a lot of Railisms and you will find yourself in familiar waters very quickly.

    Both technologies are not quite there yet, but there is a lot of hype around them and they will for sure play a big role in Ruby's near future.