I am creating a secured website (using AngularJS 1.3) where I want to redirect the user to 'Login' state if he clicks browser back button. I am using ui-router for state changes, and I make use stateChangeSuccess event and previousState property for other use cases. So, clearing out window history may not be an option if it clears out ui-router's previousState information also.
I had the same problem and i made a workaround like this:
You can use ui-router optional parameters:
An example:
$stateProvider.state('yourState', {
url: "/url",
templateUrl: 'yourTemplate',
params: {
click: {value: "false"}
In the ui-sref (my button), i use:
ui-sref="yourState({click: 'true'})"
After that you can use the $stateChangeStart to prevent go back or do whatever you want:
$rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function (event, toState, toParams) {
if (toState.name === 'yourState') {
if (toParams.click == 'false') {
I know that is not a generic solution, but i think that you can adapt this to work with all your application (maybe regular expresions for the state name)