I'm completely new to the password_hash and verify functions, but I've read the documentations about them on the default php website. I have problems with logging in when I hash passwords using password_hash. They are already hashed in the database.
This is my code I use to verify if the password entered in the form matches with the hash in the database (that has been generated with password_hash in a register form):
$username = $kunaiDB->real_escape_string($_POST["uname"]);
$password = $kunaiDB->real_escape_string($_POST["pword"]);
$kunaiLoginQuery = "SELECT * FROM kunai_users";
$kunaiLoginQueryResult = $kunaiDB->query($kunaiLoginQuery);
$controlhash = $kunaiLoginQueryResult->fetch_array();
$db_pw_res = $controlhash["user_pw"];
if(password_verify($password, $db_pw_res)) {
echo "Passwords match!";
} else { echo "Passwords do not match!"; }
Whenever I log in it fails. I've tried to search for similar solutions but so far I've not found anything that worked. All help is appreciated :-)
Their is mistake in your SQL query. Add a WHERE
Something like this
SELECT * from table_name WHERE user_name_field = '{$username}'
And instead of
$controlhash = $kunaiLoginQueryResult->fetch_array();
$controlhash = $kunaiLoginQueryResult->fetch_assoc();