I have been working on some code that does integration, some manipulation, and then more integration.
Here is the code (thanks @JRichardSnape!).
Basically this code solves a matrix equation, which is what mesolve
does. It takes in a Hamiltonian (a key physical matrix), an initial density matrix, rho0
, and a tlist of times to evaluate rho(t) at (what we are solving for) and the collapse operators, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, L7
. Then I extract the results and multiply by two other arrays and plot it.
I use the qutip quantum mechanics module since they have the solver I need: mesolve
. The qutip module requires all matrices to be converted into a quantum object, which is done by Qobj(x).
I have added a line defining rho0=L1 right after the collapse operators definition. When this happens, it gives me an Index error:
IndexError: index 0 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0
I have tried to find out what is wrong. It goes wrong during the definition of f_t. The problem is when it is trying to index the array (n.data is a single element array of a complex128 number). What is going on?
This reproduces your error:
In [34]: data = np.zeros((0,10))
In [35]: data
Out[35]: array([], shape=(0, 10), dtype=float64)
In [36]: data[0]
IndexError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-36-88cae4a5bf31> in <module>()
----> 1 data[0]
IndexError: index 0 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0
Without delving to the the linked code, it is clear that the array in question has a 0 length 1st dimension. x.shape[0]
is 0.
You might get such an array be indexing another with an empty list,
In [44]: data=np.ones((3,4))
In [45]: data[[],...]
Out[45]: array([], shape=(0, 4), dtype=float64)
With the limited information you give it's hard to be more specific. Check the shape of all the suspected arrays.
So Qobj
is documented in http://qutip.org/docs/2.2.0/apidoc/classes.html
and mesolve
in http://qutip.org/docs/2.2.0/apidoc/functions.html#qutip.mesolve.mesolve
and rho0
is expected to be rho0 : qutip.qobj
The underlying array for ground
is a (7,1)
shape, for L1
(the problem rho0
?) is (7,7)
and all 0's except for [0,0].
Looks like this is a spin off of Integration not successful in Python QuTiP