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Visual Studio Code: DesignHostManager failed

I'm trying to setup a project and I get the following error in the output OmniSharpLog

[ERROR:OmniSharp.Dnx.DesignTimeHostManager] Failed to launch DesignTimeHost in a timely fashion.

I can't seem to find any documentation about this error elsewhere and I have absolutely no clue as to how to circumvent it.

My dnu restore command completed successfully.


  • I found this link and thought it could help me. Luckily, the steps worked! I fixed my issue by first installing/downgrading to dnvm 1.0.0-beta4, I was at 6.

    dnvm install 1.0.0-beta4

    then explicitly pointing to that version like so,

    dnvm use 1.0.0-beta4

    Everything ran perfectly fine after that.