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Issues using Intel XDK sendSMS function with on click event

I have been trying to get the sms application to load on my Samsung

Note 4 that I am using to test my application developed using the

intel xdk ide(Cordova Application). Below is the on click event that I

am using that is not working as expected.

//.numbers class element is created dynamically
$(document).on("click",".numbers a",function(e){

   //stop link from refreshing

   //the alert below will work when uncommented
   //alert("event works");

   //The function call below will not work.
   //note I am using a real number in my app
   //and it will work if I call if from another button on click event 


Thank You, Larry J Lane


  • I found the problem. It was an array.push function call that was missing a closing ).