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Nagios Percona Monitoring Plugin

I was reading a blog post on Percona Monitoring Plugins and how you can somehow monitor a Galera cluster using pmp-check-mysql-status plugin. Below is the link to the blog demonstrating that:

The commands in this tutorial are run on the command line. I wish to try these commands in a Nagios .cfg file e.g, monitor.cfg. How do i write the services for the commands used in this tutorial?

This was my attempt and i cannot figure out what the best parameters to use for check_command on the service. I am suspecting that where the problem is.

So inside my /etc/nagios3/conf.d/monitor.cfg file, i have the following:

define host{
        use                     generic-host
        host_name               percona-server
        alias                   percona

## Check for a Primary Cluster
define command{
        command_name    check_mysql_status
        command_line    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/pmp-check-
mysql-status -x wsrep_cluster_status -C == -T str -c non-Primary
define service{
        use                             generic-service
        hostgroup_name                  mysql-servers
        service_description             Cluster
        check_command                   pmp-check-mysql-   

When i run the command Nagios and go to monitor it, i get this message in the Nagios dashboard:

status: UNKNOWN; /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/pmp-check-mysql-status: 31: 
shift: can't shift that many 


  • You verified that: /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/pmp-check-mysql-status -x wsrep_cluster_status -C == -T str -c non-Primary works fine on command line on the target host? I suspect there's a shell escape issue with the ==

    Does this work well for you? /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/pmp-check-mysql-status -x wsrep_flow_control_paused -w 0.1 -c 0.9