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rethinkDB pluck generated_key from insert python

Essentially, I'm trying to get the generated key for a single record insert. Something like:


and have it return something like:

    "id": "61fa30de-cfb1-4133-ae86-cf6e4f1a011e"


  • I just want to give some tips so that you can figure this out later. First, you can use typeOf to find the type of data.

    r.table('dummy').insert({f: "foo"}).typeOf()

    So you know if returns an object. Next, you go to RethinkDB document, try to find some similar function. A good guess is get_field

    And get_field can be called on object:

    sequence.getField(attr) → sequence

    singleSelection.getField(attr) → value

    object.getField(attr) → value

    Let's see what it returns it:

    r.table('dummy').insert({f: "foo"}).getField('generated_keys').typeOf()

    Let's find a command to return an element in array. You can go over the document again and will be noticed nth command to return a n-th element from an array. Therefore, we can do this now:

    r.table('dummy').insert({f: "foo"}).getField('generated_keys').nth(0)

    Let's try to simplify it. Using getField is annyoing. To make it short, you can use bracket () to get a single field from object

    r.table('dummy').insert({f: "foo"})('generated_keys').nth(0)

    But using nth also field annyoying a bit. Can we make it short. Luckily bracket can also be call on array.

    The () command also accepts integer arguments as array offsets, like the nth command.

    Combine everything we have:

    r.table('dummy').insert({f: "foo"})('generated_keys')(0)

    This is all run direcly on Data Explorer but I think you can easily convert them into Python by looking at JavaScript and translate into Python.