what's the use of this folder? I need to load a lisp in automatic way without using acad.lsp and acaddoc.lsp. Will I find there the answer? I'm asking that because i saw an add-on i have load something from there.
Thanks guys, Dennis
Load LISP (or any other customization) on AutoCAD is quite easy with Autoloader approach. Just create a PackageContents.xml, place everything inside a .bundle folder and copy/paste at one of predefined locations (c:\program files\autodesk\application plugins).
See a complete description at http://adndevblog.typepad.com/autocad/2013/01/autodesk-autoloader-white-paper.html
Here is a minimal PackageContents.xml sample:
Name="Minimal LISP"
Description="An AutoCAD LISP Only program"
Author="Fenton Webb"
<CompanyDetailsName="FentiCAD"Url="www.FentiCAD.com"Email="fenton.webb@autodesk.com" />
<ComponentsDescription="Runtime parts">
<RuntimeRequirementsOS="Win32|Win64|MacOS"Platform="AutoCAD|AutoCAD*"SeriesMin="R18.2"SeriesMax="R19.1" />
<ComponentEntryAppName="MinimalLISP"Version="1.0.0"ModuleName="./Contents/Runtime/Minimal.cuix" />