My primary dev workstation has tortise and visualSVN installed and VS10 offers me a command off my File menu - 'Open Solution from SVN' - (or something to that effect...I can't open that workstation right now so the wording is probably different. But the point is that i has a way to open a project that stored at my VisualSVN server and all files are copied down to my workstation with source control active. I can 'update to latest' and make my commits.
I'm trying to get to that same level of functionality on a new workstation - have both tortise and visualSVN installed...and within VS10 i have the VisualSVN menu and tortiese context menu items. But I'm not seeing the 'Open from SVN' at the file menu and don't see how I'm supposed to import the project from the VisualSVN server.
. . NOTE: I was just able to reboot that server (hope springs eternal) and verify the menu struture...On Visual Studio's main File menu - at the top - is "Open" where the only item is a flyout menu - the only item on that is 'Open From SVN'. This is what's missing on the new workstation's visual studio implmentation.
Can't you just do a SVN Checkout using Tortoise and open the solution file in VS?