The Haskell tutorial I'm reading has a section introducing the basics of type kinds, and describes a type class
class Tofu t where
tofu :: j a -> t a j
as having the kind
* -> (* -> *) -> *
I understand that, but when I enter :k Tofu
in GHCi, I get
Tofu :: (* -> (* -> *) -> *) -> GHC.Prim.Constraint
What is GHC.Prim.Constraint
and why does the kind of Tofu
have this form rather than simply * -> (* -> *) -> *
is a type parameter of the class Tofu
of kind * -> (* -> *) -> *
(written t :: * -> (* -> *) -> *
This is the inferred type of t
by GHC because in the absence of -XPolyKinds
, GHC tries to default all type parameters to kind *
. Thus GHC assumes a
has kind *
(though nothing in your signature makes this the only choice).
The type constructor (->)
has kind * -> * -> *
. Since j a
appears as a parameter to (->)
, j a
must have kind *
. Since GHC has assumed that a
has kind *
, j
is a type that takes something of kind *
and returns something of kind *
. Thus:
j :: * -> *
Since t
is applied to both a
and j
, t
has the kind * -> (* -> *) -> *
, because the first argument a
has kind *
and the second argument j
has kind *->*
, and the overall type t a j
must have kind *
since it is also a parameter of the type (->)
Classes are just types taking type parameters (just like data Foo a b
), except Foo a b
has kind *
while Tofu t
has kind a special kind Constraint
. Thus the kind of Tofu
(* -> (* -> *) -> *) -> Constraint
as GHC indicates. Constraint
is just the kind given to constraints. In the signature
(Num a) => a -> a -> a
(Num a)
is a type of kind Constraint