I use Reflux.connect
methods to change component state, but I can't get the different part in shouldComponentUpdate
between nextState
and this.state
. Actually, this.state
already has the new values I was expecting to be in nextState
when shouldComponentUpdate
is called.
What should I need to do when I want to use shouldComponentUpdate with Reflux?
var component = React.createClass({
mixins: [Reflux.connect(store1, 'store1data'),
Reflux.connect(store2, 'store2data')],
shouldComponentUpdate: function(nextProps, nextState) {
//Here this.state.store1data is equal to nextState.store1data
Make sure you're not mutating the state and instead returning a new copy of it. If your store only changes the field inside the state, then the this.state
pointer already points to the mutated state.
so in your store1, instead of:
store1Data.someKey = newValue;
try doing:
store1Data = _.assign({}, store1Data, {someKey: newValue}); // this uses lodash, for example
That way you will get a fresh copy of store1Data every time it changes.
Immutability is an important concept when working with states, especially in React/Flux, since it allows you to determine quickly whether a state was changed. Try making a habit of always returning a new copy when changing the state, and to never change to anything inside the state unless you clone it first.