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HTML <a> tag mailto generates wrong address

I am using ubuntu 15.04 and chrome. When i click on any html link with mailto protocol e.g.

<a href="">Click to send me email!</a>

It opens my default email application (thunderbird) but populate address field with wrong address. It prepends /// to email address. So in above case, recipient will looks like this


instead of

Same issue is with skype urls. i.e.

<a href="skype:myusername?chat">Click to chat with me!</a>

It will open skype window with wrong user by prepending slash (/) same happen as with email address.

Any help in this regard will be appreciated.


  • By purging gvfs, many programs starts to misbehave. It also made file explorer and desktop files inaccessible.

    This is known issue in ubuntu 15.04 and hopefully solved in next stable release.