Search code examples

Cubism and metrics in Elasticsearch (statsd/diamond)

In a test environment setup, I'm using diamond to send server stats and metrics to statsd and then using statsd's elasticsearch backend to send them to elasticsearch.

The elasticsearch data looks like this:

  "hits" : {
    "hits" : [ {
    }, {
    }, {
    }, {
    }, {
    }, {
    }, {
    }, {
    }, {
    }, {
    } ]

How would I go about having this data rendered using cubism? I can extract the data using elasticsearch.js, but just generally stumped about how I would go about getting this rendered, so that, I can visualize the time-series data for each of the different actions, for instance.


  • You can try or backend. For those backend provides great visualisation tools.

    If you choose Graphite cubism actually supports it too as a data provider according to their website: