I have the following definition of a predicate on vectors that identifies if one is a set (has no repeated elements) or not. I define membership with a type-level boolean:
import Data.Vect
%default total
data ElemBool : Eq t => t -> Vect n t -> Bool -> Type where
ElemBoolNil : Eq t => ElemBool {t=t} a [] False
ElemBoolCons : Eq t => ElemBool {t=t} x1 xs b -> ElemBool x1 (x2 :: xs) ((x1 == x2) || b)
data IsSet : Eq t => Vect n t -> Type where
IsSetNil : Eq t => IsSet {t=t} []
IsSetCons : Eq t => ElemBool {t=t} x xs False -> IsSet xs -> IsSet (x :: xs)
Now I define some functions that allow me to create this predicate:
fun_1 : Eq t => (x : t) -> (xs : Vect n t) -> (b : Bool ** ElemBool x xs b)
fun_1 x [] = (False ** ElemBoolNil)
fun_1 x1 (x2 :: xs) =
let (b ** prfRec) = fun_1 x1 xs
in (((x1 == x2) || b) ** (ElemBoolCons prfRec))
fun_2 : Eq t => (xs : Vect n t) -> IsSet xs
fun_2 [] = IsSetNil
fun_2 (x :: xs) =
let prfRec = fun_2 xs
(False ** isNotMember) = fun_1 x xs
in IsSetCons isNotMember prfRec
works like a decision procedure over ElemBool.
My problem is with fun_2
. Why does the pattern matching on (False ** isNotMember) = fun_1 x xs
Even more confusing, something like the following typechecks too:
example : IsSet [1,1]
example = fun_2 [1,1]
This seems like a contradiction, based on the definition of IsSet and ElemBool above.
The value for example
idris evaluates is the following:
case block in fun_2 Integer
(constructor of Prelude.Classes.Eq (\meth =>
\meth =>
intToBool (prim__eqBigInt meth
(\meth =>
\meth =>
not (intToBool (prim__eqBigInt meth
(IsSetCons ElemBoolNil IsSetNil)
(True ** ElemBoolCons ElemBoolNil) : IsSet [1, 1]
Is this an intended behaviour? Or is it a contradiction? Why is the value of type IsSet [1,1]
a case block? I have the %default total
annotation at the top of the file so I don't think it has anything to do with partiality, right?
Note: I'm using Idris 0.9.18
There is a bug in the coverage checker which is why this type checks. It'll be fixed in 0.9.19 (it was a trivial problem cause by a change of name for the internal dependent pair constructor which has, for some reason, gone unnoticed until now, so thanks for bringing it to my attention!)
Anyway, I implemented fun_2
as follows:
fun_2 : Eq t => (xs : Vect n t) -> Maybe (IsSet xs)
fun_2 [] = Just IsSetNil
fun_2 (x :: xs) with (fun_1 x xs)
fun_2 (x :: xs) | (True ** pf) = Nothing
fun_2 (x :: xs) | (False ** pf) with (fun_2 xs)
fun_2 (x :: xs) | (False ** pf) | Nothing = Nothing
fun_2 (x :: xs) | (False ** pf) | (Just prfRec)
= Just (IsSetCons pf prfRec)
Since not all Vect
s can be sets, this needs to return a Maybe
. Sadly, it can't return something more precise like Dec (IsSet xs)
because you're using a boolean equality via Eq
rather than a decidable equality via DecEq
but maybe that's what you want for your version of sets.