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Crystal Reports 13 bobj is undefined JavaScript Error after installed visual Studio 2015 community edition

In Visual studio 2010 with Crystal Report 13 my project worked fine.

After I installed Visual studio 2015 community edition for my personal use. When i opened my project and run in Visual studio 2010 it throws "JavaScript runtime error: ‘bobj’ is undefined".

enter image description here enter image description here I surfed some website

and I reinstalled and copied aspnet_client folder and paste into project. Eventhough problem not yet solved. I guess the error because i installed VS2015 community edition.

Please help me and im clueless.


  • We figured out the root cause of the problem. When you installed VS2015, it installed .NET framework 4.6, which is causing the dreaded "bobj not defined" error. Unfortunately, .NET 4.6 wiped out (or overwrote) earlier version of .NET - whatever comes with VS2010 in your case or VS2013 in my case. You can uninstall .NET 4.6 and then "repair" VS2013, which reinstalled .NET 4.5.1 and the problem went away. Unfortunately, repairing VS2015 puts .NET 4.6 right back and the problem reappears.

    So the bottom line, you can either have VS2015 - or earlier version of Visual Studio without bobj error; but not both

    Don't thank me - thank Steve :)