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MVC 4.5 URL.Action and routes

I started by making an UrlHelperExtension class that built my url likes this


But i figure why not use mvc to build my URLs so in my view i did

href="@Url.Action("DownloadFiles","Home", new {directory = "files", filename="1.mp3"}"

but that's outputting /Home/DownloadFiles/files/1.mp3 which can't find the file (i get a 404). my action method is

public ActionResult DownloadFiles(string directory, string filename){
  //log which file is downloaded by who
  //Add download header content-disposition attachement
  //Send response with the file
  return null;

and my only route looks like this

  url: "{controller}/{action}/{directory}/{filename}",
  defaults: new {controller = "Home", action = "Index", directory = UrlParameter.Optional, filename = UrlParameter.Optional}

I think i have some issues really understanding routes because i'm not sure how to fix this so i dont have to use my extension class which really doesn't do much. Maybe i shouldn't use URL.Action ? Would Url.Action UrlEncode the filename parameter ? the directory parameter is only 1 "deep" so it can't be abc/def only abc and i add to it relevant part so im not worried about UrlEncoding it.


  • You're getting a 404, not because you have an issue with your routes (they look fine), but because the path /Home/DownloadFiles/files/282.mp3 is being processed as a static file, which of course does not exist.

    Try adding the following to your web.config

            <modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true" />


    If performance is an issue. Add this to your web.config instead:

        <add name="Mp3FileHandler" path="*.mp3" verb="GET" type="System.Web.Handlers.TransferRequestHandler" preCondition="integratedMode,runtimeVersionv4.0" />