Please help me with one problem. I have an osgi bundle. Blueprint config looks like this
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<blueprint xmlns="">
<bean class="test.SomeBean">
<reference-list availability="mandatory" member-type="service-object" interface="test.Service1"/>
<service interface="test.Service1">
<bean class="test.Service1Impl">
<reference-list availability="mandatory" member-type="service-object" interface="test.Service2"/>
<service interface="test.Service2">
<bean class="test.Service2Impl"/>
After deploy I get a java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException. If I move Service2 declaration to another bundle or change availability to optional all work fine. Why?
The reason is that you depend on a service that you also offer. BLueprint can not do this for mandatory services.
The reason is that whenever blueprint hits a mandatory reference it makes sure to resolve the dependency before commencing. Only when all mandatory references are resolved the services of the context will be published.