What I'm trying to do is pretty simple, just generating a pulse from a basic counter. My code is shown below. My question is if there's an efficient way of comparing a std_logic_vector and an integer? I only need to compare them at that one instance in the process. Also, can you do aritmetic on a 4 bit signal as shown in my code? DO you need a specific library?
signal Top16: std_logic; -- 1 clk spike at 16x baud rate
signal Div16: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
DIVISOR: natural := 120 -- Can be 120 or 60, depending on user preference.
if RST='1' then
Top16 <= '0'; --1 bit signal
Div16 <= x"0"; -- 4 bit signal
elsif rising_edge(LCLK_MULT_BUFG) then
Top16 <= '0';
if Div16 = Divisor then -----> signal to integer comparison?
Div16 <= 0;
Top16 <= '1';
Div16 <= Div16 + 1; -----arithmetic on std_logic_vector??
end if;
end if;
The number of bits within the Div16 std_logic_vector will vary depending on the size of Divisor chosen (shown below). How to correctly format this? What libraries will be needed?
DIVISOR: natural := 120 -- Can be 120 or 60, depending on user preference.
constant COUNTER_BITS : natural := integer(ceil(log2(real(DIVISOR))));
signal Div16: std_logic_vector(COUNTER_BITS);
If at all possible, avoid the non-standard std_logic_unsigned
library. It would be better to use numeric_std
and declare Div16 as unsigned
signal Div16: unsigned(3 downto 0);
Then your comparison and arithmetic should simply work. And of course it's synthesisable.
Your bonus question should also be synthesisable though DIVISOR ought to be a CONSTANT so that it can be evaluated at compile time, and I think you meant
signal Div16: unsigned(COUNTER_BITS - 1 downto 0);