I want to enable HttpCompression in IIS6.0 using adsutil.vbs. I understand that i can enable it for generic server level as well as for a specific website under IIS. (I used this http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/WindowsServer2003/Library/IIS/502ef631-3695-4616-b268-cbe7cf1351ce.mspx?mfr=true as a primary resource)..
However my question is different. I want to specify the extensions (asmx to be precize) to be compressed. That's perfectly doable at the webserver level but somehow I am not able to understand, how can i set it up at the site level . This is required because, in a deployment scneario, there could be multiple web apps hosted under same IIS and client is not interested in turning on compression on asmx other than my app.
Can someone help?
While researching further, I came across this resource which has explained about enabling the compression at site level.
In a nut shell here are the steps