I'm just trying out Fat-Free Framework and I come to some trouble.
I try to use the autoloading to load one of my routes, like this :
$f3 = require 'vendor/bcosca/fatfree-core/base.php';
$f3->set('DEBUG', 3);
$f3->set('AUTOLOAD', 'app/');
I have a app/ dir, and a routes.ini file in it, like this :
GET / = Test->show
Then, I have a Test.php file in app/, with this in it :
class Test {
function show($f3) {
echo 'ok !';
After running this I get a big fancy error saying the following :
Method Not Allowed
HTTP 405 (GET /)
Any ideas ? (It isn't my PHP Version, if you'd ask yourself)
Your initial code is fine. It's just that your Test class conflicts with the framework's own Test class.
Rename it to anything else and it should work.