So I am running Python 3.4 scripts on Windows, and when I run a particular script, I have an infinite loop (while True:) which I am using, but when I try to quit the script with Ctrl-C, it is not exiting the script. It prints Keyboard Interrupt, as if it has quit, but then just leaves the blinking cursor and will not let me type, so I have to exit out with the red X.
import serial
import time
import pyfirmata
#from pyfirmata import Arduino, util, PWM
board = pyfirmata.Arduino('COM4', baudrate = 9600, timeout = 5)
time.sleep(2) #sleep in units of sec
it = pyfirmata.util.Iterator(board)
digital1 = board.get_pin('d:5:p')
digital2 = board.get_pin('d:6:p')
digital3 = board.get_pin('d:10:p')
digital4 = board.get_pin('d:11:p')
digital = (digital1, digital2, digital3, digital4)
distObject = 1.5 #start warning at 4 inches away from objects (arbitrary)
forceGraspL = 0
forceGraspR = 0
maxForceL = 60
maxForceR = 60
motorMaxForceL = maxForceL / 2
motorMaxForceR = maxForceR / 2
while True:
left = 0
right = 0
leftMid = 0
rightMid = 0
distPerc = 0
MOTORS = (left, right, leftMid, rightMid)
if (distObject != 0 and distObject < 4 and forceGraspL == 0 and forceGraspR == 0):
left = 0.9
distPerc = round(distObject / 4.0 * 100)
elif (forceGraspL != 0 or forceGraspR !=0):
if (forceGraspL < motorMaxForceL and forceGraspR < motorMaxForceR):
left = forceGraspL / motorMaxForceL
right = forceGraspR / motorMaxForceR
elif (forceGraspL < maxForceL and forceGraspR < motorMaxForceR):
left = 1
leftMid = (forceGraspL - motorMaxForceL)/ motorMaxForceL
right = forceGraspR / motorMaxForceR
elif (forceGraspL < motorMaxForceL and forceGraspR < maxForceR):
left = forceGraspL / motorMaxForceL
right = 1
rightMid = (forceGraspR - motorMaxForceR)/ motorMaxForceR
elif (forceGraspL < maxForceL and forceGraspR < maxForceR):
left = 1
leftMid = (forceGraspL - motorMaxForceL)/ motorMaxForceL
right = 1
rightMid = (forceGraspR - motorMaxForceR)/ motorMaxForceR
left = 1
leftMid = 1
rightMid = 1
right = 1
if (distPerc < 100 and distPerc > 0):
for pin in range(1, length(digital)):
for pin in range(1, length(digital)):
for pin in range(1, length(digital)):
Any suggestions on what in my script might be causing this problem is greatly appreciated. I can tell that the problem is in this script because I have tried other scripts with infinite loops, and the Ctrl-C works for those.
I found the answer in the problems posted on the source webpage:
It is a bug that lies in the original code, from this code sequence (which I left out of the above code originally, apologies!):
it = pyfirmata.util.Iterator(board)
However, you can not get rid of this code otherwise the serial buffer will overload.