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How to get current page in MuPDF?

I need to go to the same page on a PDF document after screen change. I have found how to navigate to page here but I failed to get the current page number.

I have found some codes regarding this in MuPDF library but couldn't call it from main activity. In PageView class (MuPDFPageView extends PageView):

public int getPage() {
    return mPageNumber;

The problem is I don't know how to call this from main activity. I tried something like this:

final MuPDFPageView pageView = new MuPDFPageView(getApplicationContext(), filePickerSupport, core, parentSize, sharedHqBm);
int i = pageView.getPage();

But failed to fill the parameters in. Anybody has a better or easier way to get the current page number?


  • Within MuPDFActivity, you can call:


    and that will return you the current page number.