What is the correct syntax for storing something in my class variable from a view ? Let's say that this is the code:
class FooController < ApplicationController
@@myvar = "I'm a string"
<%= form_for(@something) do |f| %>
<%= f.text_field :myvar %>
<%= f.submit %>
<% end %>
This is just an example of a form as it is not functional, I cannot find what the correct syntax is for accesssing @@myvar
from the view. Thanks !
as on request i edited, including attr_accessor
Rails way. Ill just fly over, hope you get it. you defenitely need to read more introductions to rails and its concept.
you have a rails-model, lets call it Animal
class Animal < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessor :non_saved_variable
this is having a database-table, lets say in this table we store race, name and age.
now we need a controller, to create/edit/update/delete animals
class AnimalController < ActionController::Base
def new
# this creates a new animal with blank values
@animal = Animal.new
now you need to go into your routes.rb and create a route for animals
resources :animal
this will create all (restful) routes for every actions of an animal.
now you need to have your template to render a form
form_for is a rails helper, to create a form, associated with the @animal (which is a new Animal). You pass |f| into the block, so with f you can access the form
=form_for @animal do |f|
then you can go for each field you need to call another rails helper you can also access attr_accessors.
=f.text_field :race
=f.text_field :name
=f.text_field :age
=f.text_field :non_saved_variable
by that you get the stuff
dont fortget f.submit
because your form needs a submit button
if you now click on your button, the form will be posted to the create method of rails. so you need to bring it into your controller
def create
# create a new animal with the values sended by the form
@animal = Animal.new params[:animal]
# here you can access the attr_accessor
@animal.do_something if @animal.non_saved_variable == "1337"
if @animal.save
# your animal was saved. you can now redirect or do whatever you want
#couldnt be saved, maybe validations have been wrong
#render the same form again
render action: :new
i hope that gave you a first insight of rails ?!