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Build message with inbound properties in MUnit

I am trying to unit test a groovy component.

    <sub-flow name="public_sf_util_munit"
        doc:description="Input:Mule Message
Processing:Adds correlationId to MuleMessage
Output:MuleMessage with populated correlationId property">
        <scripting:component doc:name="Add correlationId">
            <scripting:script engine="Groovy"><![CDATA[String correlationId = message.correlationId;
    correlationId = message.getInboundProperty('x-messageid');
    if(correlationId == null){
        correlationId = message.rootId;     
message.correlationId = correlationId;
return message]]></scripting:script>

The below line expects a inbound message property, how can I add this into my test Mule Message ? I am using MUnit 3.6.1.

correlationId = message.getInboundProperty('x-messageid');

The test I have so far is as below, and I need to add in the inbound property

    public void givenAMuleMessageWithNullCorrelationIdAndXMessageIdHeader_whenCorrelationIdIsSet_itShouldSetCorrelationWithMessageId() throws Exception {
        MuleEvent testEvent = testEvent("something");
        MuleEvent resultMuleEvent = runFlow("transformToOutbound", testEvent);


  • You can set it on the message retrieved from the test event:

    import org.mule.api.transport.PropertyScope;
    MuleEvent testEvent = testEvent("something");
    testEvent.getMessage().setProperty("x-messageid", "somevalue",  PropertyScope.INBOUND);