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Controller initialization in AngularJS

           <div ng-controller="TestController">
                 Framework is {{name}}

Am making the above piece of html code into angular manually in the script.

var app = angular.module('TestModule',[]);
angular.bootstrap(document, app);

I want to know the difference, advantages, disadvantages in initializing the controller in the below two ways.

Model 1:

var app = angular.module('TestModule',[]);
angular.bootstrap(document, app);


var app = angular.module('TestModule',[]);
window['TestController'] = function($scope){
angular.bootstrap(document, app);   

Both the above models works same. When does the controller actually creates. when the scope gets creates for the controller. Kindly share your comments.


  • Model2 is the bad way to do it. Use Model1, its better and angular's way to create controllers.

    In Model2 you are polluting global window scope.