I wanna build an app that communicates with other devices through the wifi network. As I don't have two real iOS devices I'd like to connect two iOS Simulators in a virtual network. At first I don't know how/whether it is possible to run two simulators at the same time and secondly I don't know how to manage this network stuff. It would also be a possibility to connect my real iPhone to the simulated one.
Could anyone help me with this problem?
Regards Nils
I have answered it on another question, please check the below procedure to launch multiple simulators
Yes you can do that but there is a limitation in it, you cant debug the log of all the devices simultaneously. To do that first of all run the app on all the simulator on which you want to test your app, then in the command prompt, hit this link
cd /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Applications
After that hit the below command, this will start new simulator whenever you hit this command.
open -n iOS\ Simulator.app
Just press ok on Unable to boot device in current state: Booted Pop up. After that go to hardware>>devices select the device in which you want to test the app, then manually launch the app in each device. After this you will be able to test your app in all the simulators.
Hope this helps you.