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BaconJS Directory Structure Recursion Example

I'm just starting out on FRP and baconjs, so forgive my ignorance on terminology.

I am on a project where I'm trying to create a directory structure within google drive. I need to ensure the parent directories are created prior to the children directories to create the hierarchy structure.

I've written the following code. However, after a few minutes, I'm running into "User rate limit exceeded" thrown by Google which means I'm calling google with too many requests too quickly.

I need to find a way to optimize the create directories in sequence recursively and then hopefully add some batching so I can speed up the sequential calls.

Does anyone have an idea on how to do this?

var _generateFolder = function(dirArray, gDrive, parentDir) {
    // chunk array into size of 2 elements
    var chunked = _.chunk(dirArray, 5)
    return Bacon
        .sequentially(1000 * 5, chunked) // Stream with all the chunks
        .flatMapConcat(function(arrayChunk){ // Stream for all items
            return Bacon.fromArray(arrayChunk)
        .filter(function removeAllItemsWithNoChildren(dir) {
            return dir.children.length > 0;
        .flatMap(function createSubDirectoriesForItem(dir) {
            console.log("Sync children folders:" + dir.title);
            return _generateFolder(dir.children, gDrive, dir);

dir = {
            title: "AA"
            title: "AB"
_generateFolder(dir, drive, null)

Is there a way to have a single stream, add directories to that stream, recursively? And then use chunk+sequential on that stream?


  • Note: This is not a solution but a quick and dirty approach.

    I would recursively walk through JSON directory provided. Baconjs provides an API Bacon.fromBinder that allows you to create custom streams. Everytime I'd hit a "title" property, I would "emit" a bacon event. This would generate a stream of events for each title visited.

    var dirs = {
      title: "A",
      children: [{
        title: "AA",
        children: [{
          title: "AAA",
          children: []
      }, {
        title: "AB",
        children: [{
          title: "ABA",
          children: []
        }, {
          title: "ABB",
          children: []
      }, ]
    function walk(sink, r) {
      if (Array.isArray(r)) {
        r.forEach(function(child) {
          return walk(sink, child);
      } else if (typeof r === 'object') {
        walk(sink, r.children);
    Bacon.fromBinder(function(sink) {
      walk(sink, dirs);
      return function() {
        // return a sensible unsubscribe
    // To insert into DOM - demo purposes
    var stream = Bacon.fromBinder(function(sink) {
      walk(sink, dirs);
      return function() {};
    var list;
    stream.onValue(function(val) {
      list = $("#events").find('ul');
      list.append("<li>" + val + "</li>");
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <div id="events"></div>