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Get the Node URl from the Umbraco (4.7) Database

I have a batch that loads some information from the umbraco (4.7) database.

I need to extract the Link to document node property...

The Api in the site does it like umbraco.library.NiceUrl(nodeid)... But I have one console application that does not have acces to the umbraco stuff...

1) Where can I find this "nice url" of a node in the database?
2) If not (or too complex), how it is possible to configure umbraco API (4.7) library with a console application?


  • select 
        GROUP_CONCAT(EXTRACTVALUE(xml, "//@urlName") separator '/') as PATH
        cmscontentxml x inner join 
        umbraconode n on FIND_IN_SET(x.NODEID,n.PATH)>0
    where n.ID=19802 -- your id
    group by n.ID;