I have the following text (string from SQL):
Paragraph \n Newline \n\n Paragraph2 \n\n\n\n Paragraph3
This line is processed by:
function nl2brAndParagraphs($text) {
$br = nl2br($text);
$data = preg_replace('/^\s*(?:<br\s*\/?>\s*)*/i', '', $br); //Remove any whitespace and br- tags that are at the beginning of the text
$data = preg_replace('/\s*(?:<br\s*\/?>\s*)*$/i', '', $data); //Remove any whitespace and br- tags that are at the end of the text
$data = preg_replace('#(?:<br\s*/?>\s*?){2,}#','</p>
<p>',$data); //Replace multiple line breaks with paragraphs
$data = '<p>'.$data.'</p>';
return $data;
This should return:
<p>Paragraph <br /> Newline </p><p> Paragraph2 </p><p> Paragraph3</p>
but returns
<p>paragraph1 <br /> Newline </p><p> paragraph2 </p><p></p><p> paragraph3</p>
How do I fix the </p><p></p><p>
part, where there only should be </p><p>
This removes any empty paragraphs:
$data = preg_replace('/<p[^>]*>\s*?<\/p[^>]*>/', '', $data);