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How to make NSTimer show Month : Weeks : Days

I'm trying to make a timer show the following - years : months : weeks : days : hours : minutes : seconds : milliseconds.

I don't want it to show the minutes until the seconds reaches 60, and the same for hours days etc. For example: If it's holding at 3 days 4 hours 39 min 3 seconds and 43 milliseconds, it shouldn't show the months or years because they would both be 0 so far.

Here is what I have.

@IBOutlet weak var timeLabel: UILabel!
var timerCount = 0
var timerRuning = false
var timer = NSTimer()

func counting() {
    timeLabel.text = "\(timerCount)"

@IBAction func startTime(sender: UIButton)
    if timerRuning == false {
        timer = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(1, target: self, selector: ("counting"), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
        timerRuning = true

@IBAction func finishTime(sender: UIButton)
    if timerRuning == true {
        timerRuning = false

The problem is it only shows seconds. How can I get it to show all the rest? (Like I wrote above.)


  • There is a new class NSDateComponentsFormatter introduced in iOS 8.0 which can format an amount of seconds to readable time strings.

    func counting() {
      let formatter = NSDateComponentsFormatter()
      formatter.unitsStyle = .Full
      timeLabel.text = formatter.stringFromTimeInterval(NSTimeInterval(timerCount))

    But there is one restriction: It doesn't consider units less than seconds.