I am trying to get list product with a keyword using ebay api maintained Here
using following code
var params = {};
params.keywords = ["Canon"];
params.outputSelector = [ 'AspectHistogram' ];
params['paginationInput.entriesPerPage'] = 10;
var filters = {};
filters.itemFilter = [
new ebay.ItemFilter("FreeShippingOnly", true)
filters.domainFilter = [
new ebay.ItemFilter("domainName", "Digital_Cameras")
serviceName: 'FindingService',
opType: 'findItemsByKeywords',
appId: '*********************', // FILL IN YOUR OWN APP KEY, GET ONE HERE: https://publisher.ebaypartnernetwork.com/PublisherToolsAPI
params: params,
filters: filters,
parser: ebay.parseItemsFromResponse // (default)
// gets all the items together in a merged array
function itemsCallback(error, items) {
if (error) throw error;
console.log('Found', items.length, 'items');
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
console.log('- ' + items[i].title);
Which throws following error when called
Error: Bad response status code 500
"message":["Unable to create xml stream reader for JSON: payload format incorrect or payload is empty"],
Show the code of api import. May be a problem there... try
var ebay = require('ebay-api');