(ns ^:figwheel-always refs-test.core
(:require [om.core :as om :include-macros true]
[om.dom :as dom :include-macros true]
[sablono.core :as html :refer-macros [html]]))
(def app-state
(atom {:items [{:text "cat"}
{:text "dog"}
{:text "bird"}]
:selected-item {}}))
(defn selected-item []
(om/ref-cursor (:selected-item (om/root-cursor app-state))))
[_ owner]
(render [_]
(let [selected (om/observe owner (selected-item))]
(if (empty? selected)
[:h1 "Nothing selected"]
[:h1 (:text selected)]))]))))
[item owner]
(render [_]
[:button {:on-click
(fn []
(om/update! (om/root-cursor app-state) :selected-item item) ;; this doesn't update
;;(om/update! (om/root-cursor app-state) :selected-item (merge item {:foo 1})) ;; this does
)} (:text item)]]))))
[cursor owner]
(render [_]
(om/build selected-item-title {})
(om/build-all selected-item-button (:items cursor))]]))))
(om/root root app-state
{:target (.getElementById js/document "app")})
The (selected-item)
function crerates a ref-cursor which tracks the :selected-item
key in app-state
. When you click a selected-item-button
the title changes to reflect the new value that has been put into the map. However, this only works once. Pressing a different button does not cause the title to re-render again so the title is always stuck at the value of the first button you pressed.
Although, simply adding a merge
with an additional keyword seems to make it work... (merging with an empty map doesn't work either, tried that!)
Is my understanding on ref cursors wrong?
So, the issue was very simple.
(om/update! (om/root-cursor app-state) :selected-item item)
should have been
(om/update! (om/root-cursor app-state) :selected-item @item)
Notice the item, because it's a cursor, is dereferenced.