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swift indexOf for [AnyObject] array

Trying to get the index of an array ([AnyObject]). What's the part that I'm missing?

extension PageViewController : UIPageViewControllerDelegate {
      func pageViewController(pageViewController: UIPageViewController, willTransitionToViewControllers pendingViewControllers: [AnyObject]) {
        let controller: AnyObject? = pendingViewControllers.first as AnyObject?
        self.nextIndex = self.viewControllers.indexOf(controller) as Int?

I have tried with Swift 1.2 this approach:

func indexOf<U: Equatable>(object: U) -> Int? {
    for (idx, objectToCompare) in enumerate(self) {
      if let to = objectToCompare as? U {
        if object == to {
          return idx
    return nil

Type 'AnyObject?' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable' Cannot assign to immutable value of type 'Int?'


  • We need to cast the object we're testing to a UIViewController, since we know that are array of controllers is holding UIViewControllers (and we know that UIViewControllers conform to Equatable.

    extension PageViewController : UIPageViewControllerDelegate {
        func pageViewController(pageViewController: UIPageViewController, willTransitionToViewControllers pendingViewControllers: [AnyObject]) {
            if let controller = pendingViewControllers.first as? UIViewController {
                self.nextIndex = self.viewControllers.indexOf(controller)

    The logic behind the error is that in order for the indexOf method to compare the object you pass in, it must compare them using the == operator. The Equatable protocol specifies that the class has implemented this function, so this is what indexOf requires its arguments conform to.

    Objective-C doesn't have this same requirement, but the actual Objective-C implementation ends up meaning that the argument is compared with objects in the array using the isEqual: method (which NSObject and therefore all Objective-C classes implement).