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Frama-C initialize array to zero specification

I am trying to prove a specification for a C loop that initialize two integer arrays to zero but i cannot verify it.

Here is the code:

int first[26];
int second[26];
int c;
loop assigns first[0..(c-1)];
loop assigns second[0..(c-1)];
loop assigns c; 
loop invariant 0 <= c <= 26;
loop invariant \forall integer k; 0 <= k < c ==> second[k] == first[k];
loop invariant \forall integer k; 0 <= k < c ==> first[k] == 0 && second[k] == 0;
loop invariant \valid(first+(0..25)) && \valid(second+(0..25));
loop variant 26-c;
for(c = 0; c < 26; c++)
  first[c] = 0;
  second[c] = 0;

I also tried to use the short form int first[26] = {0}; for zero-initializing but it seems that Frama-C doesn't support that form.

I'm using Frama-C Sodium-20150201 with Alt-Ergo prover and it cannot verify the first three invariants of specification, that are

loop invariant 0 <= c <= 26;
loop invariant \forall integer k; 0 <= k < c ==> second[k] == first[k];
loop invariant \forall integer k; 0 <= k < c ==> first[k] == 0 && second[k] == 0;


  • You might have an issue with you Frama-C installation, your code verifies perfectly with default setup.

    The code I used:

    $ cat loop-init.c 
    void loop_init(void)
      int first[26];
      int second[26];
      int c;
        loop assigns first[0..(c-1)];
        loop assigns second[0..(c-1)];
        loop assigns c; 
        loop invariant 0 <= c <= 26;
        loop invariant \forall integer k; 0 <= k < c ==> second[k] == first[k];
        loop invariant \forall integer k; 0 <= k < c ==> first[k] == 0 && second[k] == 0;
        loop invariant \valid(first+(0..25)) && \valid(second+(0..25));
        loop variant 26-c;
      for(c = 0; c < 26; c++)
          first[c] = 0;
          second[c] = 0;

    Everything is proved:

    $ frama-c -wp loop-init.c 
    [kernel] Parsing FRAMAC_SHARE/libc/__fc_builtin_for_normalization.i (no preprocessing)
    [kernel] Parsing loop-init.c (with preprocessing)
    [wp] Running WP plugin...
    [wp] Collecting axiomatic usage
    [wp] warning: Missing RTE guards
    [wp] 14 goals scheduled
    [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_loop_init_loop_inv_established : Valid
    [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_loop_init_loop_inv_2_established : Valid
    [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_loop_init_loop_inv_3_established : Valid
    [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_loop_init_loop_inv_4_preserved : Valid
    [wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_loop_init_loop_inv_preserved : Valid (16ms) (18)
    [wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_loop_init_loop_inv_2_preserved : Valid (28ms) (26)
    [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_loop_init_loop_inv_4_established : Valid
    [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_loop_init_loop_assign_part1 : Valid
    [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_loop_init_loop_assign_part2 : Valid
    [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_loop_init_loop_assign_part3 : Valid
    [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_loop_init_loop_assign_part4 : Valid
    [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_loop_init_loop_term_decrease : Valid
    [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_loop_init_loop_term_positive : Valid
    [wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_loop_init_loop_inv_3_preserved : Valid (1.6s) (68)
    [wp] Proved goals:   14 / 14
         Qed:            11 
         Alt-Ergo:        3  (16ms-1.6s) (68)