I'm using jasmine fixtures and I want to write a test with an HTML that has an iframe
in it.
The problem is that the test executes before my iframe loads.
Is there a solution for this in the library itself?
Or will I have to implement my own mechanism to make it wait?
Here's the code:
The fixture:
<iframe id="test-iframe1" class="test-iframe1" src="data/tests/pages/iframe1.html" style="width: 400px; height: 600px;" frameborder="20"></iframe>
The test:
describe("iframe -", function() {
beforeEach(function() {
var f = jasmine.getFixtures();
f.fixturesPath = 'base/tests/pages/';
it('iframe exists', function() {
// HERE - the iframe has not yet loaded
You need to add done() function in beforeEach() where you will check loading of iframe
beforeEach(function(done) {
var f = jasmine.getFixtures();
f.fixturesPath = 'base/tests/pages/';
And your it() will not run before done() invoke.