I'am working in an iOS
application that requests user Facebook login with a list of permissions.
I can check if the user have declined some of the requested permission by this method
[[[FBSession activeSession] permissions] isEqualToArrayOfStrings:permissions]
and remove the session
But the problem is if the user tried to login again ,The Facebook SDK
doesnt request for the permissions
again it shows a view says
"you have already authorized XXXXX "
And doest ask the user to accept the permissions he has declined before.
Because of this i need revoke or delete the user permissions from his Facebook account to be able to ask for permissions
again ;
I found the answer in this link Revoke Login
[[[FBRequest alloc]initWithSession:[FBSession activeSession] graphPath:@"me/permissions" parameters:nil HTTPMethod:@"delete"] startWithCompletionHandler:^(FBRequestConnection *connection, id result, NSError *error) {
// Handling