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WPF ControlTemplate AND DataTemplate

I have ListView where I would like to apply a custom ControlTemplate to it's items. It is defined like this:

<ListView ItemsSource="{Binding MyAwesomeItems}" ...

MyAwesomeItems holds different classes. So I thought to myself: "Well, hello DataTemplates."

To make the contained items look the way I want them to, I have defined a ControlTemplate like this:

  <Style TargetType="ListViewItem">
    <Setter Property="Template">
        <ControlTemplate TargetType="ListViewItem">
          <Border><ContentControl Content="{TemplateBinding Content}"/></Border>

I have used ContentControl with Binding to TemplateBinding Content. I expected that WPF would then insert my items inside that ContentControl, using whatever DataTemplate I have defined for it.

But instead, it looks like WPF just uses the items .ToString() and does not apply any DataTemplates. Is this intended behaviour?

What I want to achieve is: Have a list of items, where the container of each item looks exactly the way I want and the content of that container comes from the DataTemplate.


  • In a ControlTemplate for a ContentControl you usually use an empty ContentPresenter tag. In your case:

    <ControlTemplate TargetType="ListViewItem">

    The ContentPresenter has a ContentSource property which defaults to "Content" and sets all the necessary properties (Content, ContentTemplate, etc.).

    See here for details.