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overpass-api: regex on keys

According to queries can use regular expressions on both the values and the keys. While I have no trouble using regex on the values, I'm having a problem with the keys.

The example on the wiki referenced above says (among other examples):

/* finds addr:* tags with value exactly "Foo" */

So, that's an example of using regex on the keys and the values.

What I am interested in is the name key. Specifically the name:en key. There are a couple problems with searching by name. Not all names are in English, and for those nodes/way/relations whose names are not in English, there is no guarantee there will be a name:en tag with an English version of the name.

In general, there is no way to know in advance if the name will be in English or that there is a name:en tag. If you only ask for name or name:en, you run the risk of finding no hit. (Of course, searching for both is no guarantee of success, either.)

I have a case where I know name fails, but name:en succeeds. That is my test case. I can query the using this:



out center;

see it on overpass and it works fine ("duma" is not found through name, but it is found with name:en), but I find it lengthy and somewhat repetitive.

I would like to use a regular expression involving the name and name:en tags, but either the server does not understand the query or I simply am using an incorrect regex.

Using the example shown in the wiki: node[~"^addr:.*$"~"^Foo$"] I have tried:


and several others. I even mimicked the example with [~"^name:.*"~"duma",i] just to see if anything would be returned.

Does recognize regular expressions on the keys or do I just have the regex wrong? I don't get an error from, just the coordinates of the bbox and an empty result. It's usually very strict about reacting to a poortly formatted query. Thanks in advance.


  • That's really a bug in the Overpass API implementation concerning case-insensitive key regex matching, see this Github ticket for details.

    For the time being, you can already test the patch on the development box:

    BTW: If you don't need case-insensitive regexp matching, this should already work on as of today.