I have created a game in Adobe Flash Professioanl CS6 and I would like some assistance.
I have two snakes that move around and leave a trail. Both snakes must die when they touch either their own or another snakes trail. Currently, they do die when they detect themselves, so that works, but it doesn't work when it detects one another.
Here is my code...
var leftBorder:verticalwall = new verticalwall(); // defining a variable to hold the left wall
addChild(leftBorder); // adding the left wall to the stage
var rightBorder:verticalwall = new verticalwall(); // defining a variable to hold the left wall
rightBorder.x = 790; // pushing the right wall to the edge of the stage
addChild(rightBorder); // adding the right wall to the stage
var topBorder:horizontalwall = new horizontalwall(); // defining a variable to hold the left wall
addChild(topBorder); // adding the top wall to the stage
var bottomBorder:horizontalwall = new horizontalwall(); // defining a variable to hold the bottom wall
bottomBorder.y = 790; // pushing the bottom wall to the base of the stage
addChild(bottomBorder); // adding the bottom wall to the stage
var Pspositions:Array = new Array(); // defining a new variable to hold the poistions of Player 1
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN,restartgame); // adding a listener to the stage
function restartgame(e:KeyboardEvent){ // defining a function that restarts the game
if(e.keyCode==Keyboard.SPACE){ // listens for the SPACE button to be pressed
//code here
graphics.beginFill( 0x000000 ); // defining a colour for the background
graphics.drawRect( 0, 0, stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight); // drawing a rectangle for background
graphics.endFill(); // ending the background creating process
// Player 1
var Player1:Shape = new Shape(); // defining a variable for Player 1
Player1.graphics.lineStyle(10,0xffff00); // defining the colour of the style
Player1.graphics.beginFill(0xffff00,3600); // begin filling the shape
Player1.graphics.drawCircle(Player1.x, Player1.y, 2.4) // draw a circle
Player1.graphics.endFill(); // finish the filling process
addChild(Player1); // add player 1 to stage
var P1leftPressed:Boolean = false; // boolean to check whether the left key for Player 1 was pressed
var P1rightPressed:Boolean = false; // boolean to check whether the right key for Player 1 was pressed
var P1speed = 3.5; // variable to store the speed of which player 1 moves
var P1Dir = 45; // variable containing the direction in which player 1 moves
var P1position, P2position;
Player1.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, P1fl_MoveInP1DirectionOfKey); // adding a listener to the player
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, P1fl_SetKeyPressed); // listener for a key to be pressed
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, P1fl_UnsetKeyPressed); // listener for a key to be released
function P1fl_MoveInP1DirectionOfKey(event:Event) // Moves the player depedning on what key was pressed
//var dead;
/*if(dead == false){
trace(P1position + " _____________ " + P2position);
if(Player1.hitTestObject(leftBorder) || Player1.hitTestObject(rightBorder) || Player1.hitTestObject(topBorder) || Player1.hitTestObject(bottomBorder)){ // checking to see whether Player 1 has hit the wall
P1speed = 0; // stopping Player 1 from moving
//dead = true;
for (var i = 0; i < Pspositions.length - 10; i++) { // a loop that opperates for as long as the array is receiving positions
var P1x = Pspositions[i][0]; // saving x positions into array with a unique identifier
var P1y = Pspositions[i][1]; // saving y positions into array with a unique identifier
if (distanceBetween(P1x, P1y, Player1.x, Player1.y) < 15) { // checking distance between Player 1 and its trail
P1speed = 0;
if (distanceBetween(P1x, P1y, Player2.x, Player2.y) < 15) { // checking distance between Player 1 and its trail
P1speed = 0;
if (P1leftPressed)
P1Dir -= 0.1; // changes the direction to make Player 1 rotate
if (P1rightPressed)
P1Dir += 0.1; // changes the direction to make Player 1 rotate
P1position = [Player1.x, Player1.y]; // defining a variable for Player 1's constant positions
Pspositions.push(P1position); // pushes every position of Player 1 to the array
trace(P1position + " _____________ " + P2position);
Player1.x += P1speed * Math.cos(P1Dir); // this makes player 1 move forard
Player1.y += P1speed * Math.sin(P1Dir); // this makes player 2 move forward
var P1trail:Shape = new Shape; // defining a variable for player 1's trail
graphics.lineStyle(8, 0xFF0000); // setting the format for the trail
graphics.drawCircle(Player1.x, Player1.y, 1.4); // drawing the circles within the trail
addChild(P1trail); // adding the circles to the stage
function P1fl_SetKeyPressed(event:KeyboardEvent):void
switch (event.keyCode)
case Keyboard.LEFT:
P1leftPressed = true; // tells the computer that left has been pressed
case Keyboard.RIGHT:
P1rightPressed = true; // tells the computer that right has been pressed
function P1fl_UnsetKeyPressed(event:KeyboardEvent):void
switch (event.keyCode)
case Keyboard.LEFT:
P1leftPressed = false; // tells the computer that left has been released
case Keyboard.RIGHT:
P1rightPressed = false; // tells the computer that left has been released
/*function object(x, y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
function player(x, y) {
function distanceBetween (x1:Number, y1:Number, x2:Number, y2:Number) { // creating a function
// return d = Math.sqrt(x2 - x1)^2 +(y2 - y1)^2);
var diffX = x2 - x1; // creating variable to tidy up the pythagoras line below
var diffY = y2 - y1; // creating variable to tidy up the pythagoras line below
return Math.sqrt(diffX * diffX + diffY * diffY); // using pythagras theorem
// Player 2
var Player2:Shape = new Shape(); // Defining a variable
Player2.graphics.drawCircle(Player1.x, Player1.y, 2.4)
var P2leftPressed:Boolean = false;
var P2rightPressed:Boolean = false;
var P2speed = 3.5;
var P2Dir = 180;
Player2.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, P2fl_MoveInP1DirectionOfKey);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, P2fl_SetKeyPressed);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, P2fl_UnsetKeyPressed);
function P2fl_MoveInP1DirectionOfKey(event:Event)
if(Player2.hitTestObject(leftBorder) || Player2.hitTestObject(rightBorder) || Player2.hitTestObject(topBorder) || Player2.hitTestObject(bottomBorder)){
P2speed = 0;
for (var a = 0; a < Pspositions.length - 10; a++) {
var P2x = Pspositions[a][0];
var P2y = Pspositions[a][1];
if (distanceBetween(P2x, P2y, Player2.x, Player2.y) < 15) {
P2speed = 0;
if (P2leftPressed)
P2Dir -= 0.1;
if (P2rightPressed)
P2Dir += 0.1;
P2position = [Player2.x, Player2.y];
Player2.x += P2speed * Math.cos(P2Dir);
Player2.y += P2speed * Math.sin(P2Dir);
var P2trail:Shape = new Shape;
graphics.lineStyle(8, 0x0066CC);
graphics.drawCircle(Player2.x, Player2.y, 1.4);
function P2fl_SetKeyPressed(event:KeyboardEvent):void
switch (event.keyCode)
case event.keyCode = 90:
P2leftPressed = true;
case event.keyCode = 67:
P2rightPressed = true;
function P2fl_UnsetKeyPressed(event:KeyboardEvent):void
switch (event.keyCode)
case event.keyCode=90:
P2leftPressed = false;
case event.keyCode=67:
P2rightPressed = false;
This if for actionscript 3.0
Thans, any help would be appreciated :)
PSpositions.length - 10
Draw snakes where they actually are:
Player1.graphics.drawCircle(Player1.x, Player1.x, 2.4)
instead of
Player1.graphics.drawCircle(Player1.x + ..., Player1.x + ..., 2.4)
Set players different start position so they don't colide at first frame.
You not paying attention... Here the working version:
import flash.display.Shape;
var leftBorder = verticalwall; // defining a variable to hold the left wall
addChild(leftBorder); // adding the left wall to the stage
var rightBorder = verticalwall; // defining a variable to hold the left wall
rightBorder.x = 790; // pushing the right wall to the edge of the stage
addChild(rightBorder); // adding the right wall to the stage
var topBorder = horizontalwall; //defining a variable to hold the left wall
addChild(topBorder); //adding the top wall to the stage
var bottomBorder = horizontalwall; //defining a variable to hold the bottom wall
bottomBorder.y = 790; //pushing the bottom wall to the base of the stage
addChild(bottomBorder); //adding the bottom wall to the stage
var P1positions:Array = new Array(); //defining a new variable to hold the poistions of Player 1
var P2positions:Array = new Array(); //defining a new variable to hold the poistions of Player 2
//Player 1
var Player1:Shape = new Shape(); //defining a variable for Player 1
Player1.graphics.lineStyle(10,0xffff00); //defining the colour of the style
Player1.graphics.beginFill(0xffff00,3600); //begin filling the shape
Player1.graphics.drawCircle(Player1.x, Player1.x, 2.4) //draw a circle
Player1.graphics.endFill(); //finish the filling process
addChild(Player1); //add player 1 to stage
var P1leftPressed:Boolean = false; //boolean to check whether the left key for Player 1 was pressed
var P1rightPressed:Boolean = false; //boolean to check whether the right key for Player 1 was pressed
var P1speed = 3.5; //variable to store the speed of which player 1 moves
var P1Dir = 45; //variable containing the direction in which player 1 moves
var P1position, P2position;
Player1.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, P1fl_MoveInP1DirectionOfKey); //adding a listener to the player
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, P1fl_SetKeyPressed); //listener for a key to be pressed
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, P1fl_UnsetKeyPressed); // listener for a key to be released
function P1fl_MoveInP1DirectionOfKey(event:Event) //Moves the player depedning on what key was pressed
if(Player1.hitTestObject(leftBorder) || Player1.hitTestObject(rightBorder) || Player1.hitTestObject(topBorder) || Player1.hitTestObject(bottomBorder)){ //checking to see whether Player 1 has hit the wall
P1speed = 0; //stopping Player 1 from moving
if (P1leftPressed)
P1Dir -= 0.1; //changes the direction to make Player 1 rotate
if (P1rightPressed)
P1Dir += 0.1; //changes the direction to make Player 1 rotate
P1position = [Player1.x, Player1.y]; //defining a variable for Player 1's constant positions
P1positions.push(P1position); //pushes every position of Player 1 to the array
trace(P1position + " _____________ " + P2position);
for (var i = 0; i < P1positions.length - 10; i++) { //a loop that opperates for as long as the array is receiving positions
var P1x = P1positions[i][0]; //saving x positions into array with a unique identifier
var P1y = P1positions[i][1]; //saving y positions into array with a unique identifier
if (distanceBetween(P1x, P1y, Player1.x, Player1.y) < 15) { //checking distance between Player 1 and its trail
P1speed = 0;
Player1.x += P1speed * Math.cos(P1Dir); //this makes player 1 move forard
Player1.y += P1speed * Math.sin(P1Dir); //this makes player 2 move forward
var P1trail:Shape = new Shape; //defining a variable for player 1's trail
graphics.lineStyle(8, 0xFF0000); //setting the format for the trail
graphics.drawCircle(Player1.x, Player1.y, 1.4); //drawing the circles within the trail
addChild(P1trail); //adding the circles to the stage
function P1fl_SetKeyPressed(event:KeyboardEvent):void
switch (event.keyCode)
case Keyboard.LEFT:
P1leftPressed = true; //tells the computer that left has been pressed
case Keyboard.RIGHT:
P1rightPressed = true; //tells the computer that right has been pressed
function P1fl_UnsetKeyPressed(event:KeyboardEvent):void
switch (event.keyCode)
case Keyboard.LEFT:
P1leftPressed = false; //tells the computer that left has been released
case Keyboard.RIGHT:
P1rightPressed = false; //tells the computer that left has been released
function object(x, y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
function distanceBetween (x1:Number, y1:Number, x2:Number, y2:Number) { // creating a function
// return d = Math.sqrt(x2 - x1)^2 +(y2 - y1)^2);
var diffX = x2 - x1; // creating variable to tidy up the pythagoras line below
var diffY = y2 - y1; // creating variable to tidy up the pythagoras line below
return Math.sqrt(diffX * diffX + diffY * diffY); // using pythagras theorem
// Player 2
var Player2:Shape = new Shape(); // Defining a variable
Player2.graphics.drawCircle(Player1.x, Player1.x, 2.4)
Player2.x = 500;
Player2.y = 500;
var P2leftPressed:Boolean = false;
var P2rightPressed:Boolean = false;
var P2speed = 3.5;
var P2Dir = 180;
Player2.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, P2fl_MoveInP1DirectionOfKey);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, P2fl_SetKeyPressed);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, P2fl_UnsetKeyPressed);
function P2fl_MoveInP1DirectionOfKey(event:Event)
if(Player2.hitTestObject(leftBorder) || Player2.hitTestObject(rightBorder) || Player2.hitTestObject(topBorder) || Player2.hitTestObject(bottomBorder)){
P2speed = 0;
if (P2leftPressed)
P2Dir -= 0.1;
if (P2rightPressed)
P2Dir += 0.1;
P2position = [Player2.x, Player2.y];
for (var a = 0; a < P1positions.length - 10; a++) {
var P2x = P1positions[a][0];
var P2y = P1positions[a][1];
if (distanceBetween(P2x, P2y, Player2.x, Player2.y) < 15) {
P2speed = 0;
Player2.x += P2speed * Math.cos(P2Dir);
Player2.y += P2speed * Math.sin(P2Dir);
var P2trail:Shape = new Shape;
graphics.lineStyle(8, 0x0066CC);
graphics.drawCircle(Player2.x, Player2.y, 1.4);
function P2fl_SetKeyPressed(event:KeyboardEvent):void
switch (event.keyCode)
case event.keyCode = 90:
P2leftPressed = true;
case event.keyCode = 67:
P2rightPressed = true;
function P2fl_UnsetKeyPressed(event:KeyboardEvent):void
switch (event.keyCode)
case event.keyCode=90:
P2leftPressed = false;
case event.keyCode=67:
P2rightPressed = false;
Also note that this is not very efficienty - U check every previous position of snake each frame and each frame you adding new positions to set - your game will slow down eventually. Think about some optimizations like slice your map into grid or something...