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CSS specificity query from Adam Freeman's book

I'm reading Adam Freeman's "The Definitive Guide to HTML5", and have a question about CSS specificity. He gives the following example:


    <style type="text/css">
        a {
            color: black;

        a.myclass {
            color: white;
            background: grey;

    <a href="">Visit the Apress website</a>
    <p>I like <span>apples</span> and oranges.</p>
    <a class="myclass" href="">Visit the W3C website</a>


and states:

In this case, the selector a.myclass includes a class attribute, which means that the specificity of the style is 0-1-0 (0 id values + 1 other attributes + 0 element names). The other style has a specificity of 0-0-0 (that is, it contains no id values, other attributes or element names).

I would have expected that the "a.myclass" selector would have a specificity score of 0-1-1, because it includes both a class and an element. Similarly, I expected the "a" selector to have a score of 0-0-1. Entering these two selectors into this CSS Specificity Calculator does indeed produce the results I would expect. (except that this calculator includes inline styles in the score)

Can anyone explain Adam's comments, or should I report this as errata?


  • You are correct. a.myclass selector has a specificity score of 0-1-1. a is a type selector and has to be counted with a score of 1.

    Please check specificity examples:

    *               /* a=0 b=0 c=0 -> specificity =   0 */
    LI              /* a=0 b=0 c=1 -> specificity =   1 */
    UL LI           /* a=0 b=0 c=2 -> specificity =   2 */
    UL OL+LI        /* a=0 b=0 c=3 -> specificity =   3 */
    H1 + *[REL=up]  /* a=0 b=1 c=1 -> specificity =  11 */
    UL OL    /* a=0 b=1 c=3 -> specificity =  13 */    /* a=0 b=2 c=1 -> specificity =  21 */
    #x34y           /* a=1 b=0 c=0 -> specificity = 100 */
    #s12:not(FOO)   /* a=1 b=0 c=1 -> specificity = 101 */

    Reference: - Calculating a selector's specificity