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Writing a TSQL query to idenfity overlapping date rows

I have a table with multiple rows per staff person. Each of these rows has staff_id, start_date, and end_date. Per staff, if any start_date comes between the start_date and end_date of a different row, or if any end_date comes between the start_date and end_date of a different row, then I have to flag these records as being identical. How can I do this? I have tried doing a Cross Apply because I thought that would do Cartesian product (comparing every row), and I've also tried temp tables. But I haven't gotten either of these to work. Here is some dummy data:

if exists (select  * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects o    where o.xtype in ('U')  and = object_id(N'tempdb..#staff_records')
) DROP TABLE #staff_records;

create table #staff_records
staff_id varchar(max),
start_date datetime,
end_date datetime

insert #staff_records values('AA-22','2/1/15','2/4/15')
insert #staff_records values('AA-22','2/5/15','2/6/15')
insert #staff_records values('AA-22','2/9/15','2/13/15')
insert #staff_records values('AA-22','2/4/15','2/16/15')
insert #staff_records values('AA-22','1/25/15','2/2/15')
insert #staff_records values('BB-22','2/1/15','3/1/15')
insert #staff_records values('BB-22','3/1/15','4/1/15')

select * from #staff_records order by staff_id, start_date desc


  • If you don't want to flag records where the start_date is the same as the previous end_date, it would be:

    SELECT a.*
    FROM staff_records AS a
    JOIN staff_records AS b
    ON a.staff_id = b.staff_id 
    AND a.start_date < b.end_date
    AND b.start_date < a.end_date

    Picture a timeline:

    a                s----------e
    b                        s----------------e

    The WHERE checks if they overlap, but it doesn't flag if the start_date and end_date are equal. If you do want to flag rows where start_date and end_date are equal (and you have an ID column for your rows), the last 2 lines would change to:

    AND a.ID > b.ID
    AND a.start_date <= b.end_date
    AND b.start_date <= a.end_date 
    a                          s----------e
    b         s----------------e