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Set default hstore column key value pairs via migration or psql

I have an hstore column in my users table and seem to be unable to set the default key value pairs via migration or psql.

I have referred to this question Adding a key to an empty hstore column, but with no success.

And as far as a migration solution referred to this article,

But was unable to get by the nil issue.

How can I create a migration that adds key, value pair defaults to an hstore column in a table? example... value1 = '1', value2 = '2'?

Also, how might I do this via psql?


  • Apparently few people have had this problem, I figured out the psql solution after a lot of trial and error and it was insanely simple.

    UPDATE users SET settings = '"value1"=>"1", "value2"=>"2"';

    Still interested in migration solution however.