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Internet Server Error in SDK parse PHP when not uploading files

I have a code i'm using in order to upload files. It works right when I upload something, but when I'm not upload nothing, the message "Internal Server Error" appears.

if ( isset( $_FILES['image'] ) ) {
        if ( $_FILES['image']['size'] < 600000 ) {
            // save file to Parse
            $file = ParseFile::createFromData( 
                       file_get_contents( $_FILES['image']['tmp_name'] ), 
                       $_FILES['image']['name']  );
         } else {
            echo "El archivo no se adjuntó porque rebasa el tamaño máximo permitido";
     } else {
         $file = "";

//The error remains if i take out this code which saves the image on the Parse database. 
// So the problem is in the code above. 

$report = new ParseObject("Report");
if ( isset( $file ) ) { $report->set("ImageFile", $file); }


  • Finally I could make it work

     $isFileExists = (file_exists ($_FILES['image']['tmp_name'] )) && ($_FILES['image']['error'] != 4);
    if ( isset($_FILES['image']) && $isFileExists ) {
        $isGoodSize = ($_FILES['image']['size'] < 600000) && ($_FILES['image']['size'] > 0);
            if ( $isFileExists && $isGoodSize) {
                $file = ParseFile::createFromData( 
                           file_get_contents( $_FILES['image']['tmp_name'] ), 
                           $_FILES['image']['name']  );
             } else {
                echo "No adjuntaste alguna imagen, o no se subió porque rebasa el tamaño máximo permitido";
    if ( isset( $file ) ) { $report->set("ImageFile", $file); }