I have a number of virtual portgroups on a virtual switch. When I execute
datacenters = si.RetrieveContent().rootFolder.childEntity
for datacenter in datacenters:
hosts = datacenter.hostFolder.childEntity
for host in hosts:
networks = host.network
for network in networks:
print network.name
(si is a service instance) I get all the vlans (portgroups) on the network, but none of the switches (which the docs claim should be in the network directory). Given that folders also have the name attribute, any folders that I looked over should have been printed. So where does vsphere/vcenter keep these switches?
To retrieve vSwitches with pyVmomi you can do:
def _get_vim_objects(content, vim_type):
'''Get vim objects of a given type.'''
return [item for item in content.viewManager.CreateContainerView(
content.rootFolder, [vim_type], recursive=True
content = si.RetrieveContent()
for host in self._get_vim_objects(content, vim.HostSystem):
for vswitch in host.config.network.vswitch:
Result would be:
To retrieve Distributed vSwitches you can use the _get_vim_objects function (above) with vim_type=vim.dvs.VmwareDistributedVirtualSwitch parameter.